Wednesday, July 22, 2009

St. Mary Magdalene, Penitent

Collect (from Lancelot Andrewes - Book of Common Prayer)
Grant, O merciful Father, that as blessed Mary Magdalene, loving thine only-begotten Son above all things, obtained pardon of all her sins: so she may ever entreat for us of thy loving-kindness a place in eternal blessedness. Through the same Jesus Christ thy Son, our Lord: Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

SVS - one year down...

Back to Chaplain School...

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

SVS in review

I haven't written on my experience so far at St. Vladimir's Seminary, although I have enjoyed reading the commentary on facebook and other blogs. I certainly do not want to offend or sound strident, especially with my many failings and shortcomings. It really has been an incredible journey the past few years (and before that). From moving out to Las Vegas, starting seminary at Fuller, becoming a Chaplain Candidate and starting Army Chaplain School. I wouldn't necessarily recommend attending Seminary after being so new to the church (I was Chrismated on Veterans Day - 11/11/07). I also wouldn't trade for anything the experiences and wonderful people who I have met this past year. God has put so many supportive and loving people in my life, despite myself...

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The farm

Monday, July 06, 2009

"The age of chivalry is gone. That of sophisters, economists, and calculators, has succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished for ever." Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

St Andrew the Archbishop of Crete

Troparion - Tone 5

Like the Prophet David
You sang a new song
In the assembly of the righteous.
As an initiate of the Holy Spirit
You thundered forth your hymns of grace
And the word of righteousness for our salvation,
O Andrew, glory of the fathers.

Kontakion - Tone 2

You sounded forth divine melodies like a trumpet
And were a bright lamp for the world.
You shone with the light of the Trinity, O righteous Andrew.
Therefore we cry to you: Ever intercede for us all!

Independence Day

"Why I Love America" - Henry Fairlie

I had been in the country about eight years, and was living in Houston, when a Texas friend asked me one evening: "Why do you like living in America? I don't mean why you find it interesting--why you want to write about it--but why you like living here so much." After only a moment's reflection, I replied, "It's the first time I've felt free." One spring day, shortly after my arrival in America, I was walking down the long, broad street of a suburb, with its sweeping front lawns (all that space), its tall trees (all that sky), and its clumps of azaleas (all that color). The only other person on the street was a small boy on a tricycle. As I passed him, he said, "Hi!"--just like that. No four-year-old boy had ever addressed me without an introduction before. Yet here was this one, with his cheerful "Hi!" Recovering from the culture shock, I tried to look down stonily at his flaxen head, but instead, involuntarily, I found myself saying in return: "Well--hi!" He pedaled off, apparently satisfied. He had begun my Americanization.
"Hi!" As I often say--for Americans do not realize it--the word is a democracy. (I come from a country where one can tell someone's class by how they say "Hallo!" or "Hello!" or "Hullo," or whether they say it at all.) But anyone can say "Hi!" Anyone does. Shortly after my encounter with the boy, I called on the then Suffragan Bishop of Washington. Did he greet me as the Archbishop of Canterbury would have done? No. He said, "Hi, Henry!" I put it down to an aberration, an excess of Episcopalian latitudinarianism. But what about my first meeting with Lyndon B. Johnson, the President of the United States, the Emperor of the Free World, before whom, like a Burgher of Calais, a halter round my neck, I would have sunk to my knees, pleading for a loan for my country? He held out the largest hand in Christendom, and said, "Hi, Henry!"

--July 4, 1983

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


There's something about visiting the homeland of your ancestors that is really special. My great/grandfather came from Sweden when he was 15 years old in the early 1920's. I am glad that my family keeps some of the Swedish traditions, such as celebrating St. Lucia day in December, as well as certain foods like Swedish pancakes and a lingonberry drink around Christmas. I also appreciate my Swedish relatives in America never ceasing to recognize themselves as Americans first and foremost, not forgetting their heritage, but also recognizing their new homeland.