Friday, November 14, 2008

Proposition 8

“This fight isn't about a group of nameless people who want to wreck traditional marriage. Rather, this is about the people that are near and dear to us, share in our laughter, hold us when we cry and help to make our world such a beautiful place. Please consider that when you read my request.” This quote is from a friend’s blog (

I am torn about this issue in so many ways. My life has been eternally moved by those gay people I know and love inside and outside the church. I have not taken a position on the Proposition. My church has. My gay friends have as well, and predictably, the two do not hold the same view. First, let me say that I believe my church’s teachings to be true, even when I personally struggle with them. Marriage has traditionally held to be the bedrock of civilization. Of course, like much of our culture, it too has been debased. Most marriages end in divorce, and have for awhile. Unfortunately we live in an age of relative morality. Some would say post-modern, or post post-modern. I understand these categories but refuse to classify myself as one (but that’s a different post). The fact that in many states gay couples are given the same legal rights as straight couples, and that all sodomy laws were abolished shows that the state has come a long way legally speaking. But the old Roman axiom that we live in a land of laws and not men is only partially true. There are many people who are rejoicing at the passage of Prop. 8. Is it inherently fair that people be granted the right to marry, and all the state and privileges that follow, to have those rights taken away the very next day? Apparently that is the will of the people, along with tens of millions of dollars from the Mormon Church. What of Ballot Question #2 in Florida, which seemingly outlaws both civil unions and domestic partnerships for all unwed couples? It is difficult to draw the line between faith and state, but not being able to visit a loved one in the hospital or share property rights? That is where I draw the line, at the very least. Tonight I saw a video of a ‘No on 8’ rally in Palm Springs, FL where an old lady was attacked by a mob of protestors. I strongly disagree with those tactics and they should be condemned. Naturally the media will play to the worst of both sides and there will also be awful generalizations – each side with passion, boiling into hatred.
I used to support gay marriage from a conservative perspective, arguing that it is best for anyone to be in a long term, committed relationship. I don’t see how anyone would disagree about the long term relationship part. I suppose my views on this issue have changed since I have become more of an orthodox Christian. However, I will always decry the silence and taboo that surrounds an honest conversation about homosexuality and being gay in general. That silence is deadly and just plain wrong. Of course, that silence is often obscured on both sides by those shouting vitriol, and using prejudice and innuendo to keep love from shining forth. I wish speaking the truth in love and finding that balance wasn’t so difficult – but it is. What if one is technically “right” but had no love in their heart? How does that profit them? And is this just about propositions and legal measures? May we love the way God loves us. O Come, Emmanuel, to ransom captive Israel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...
theyre orthodox

5:01 PM  

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